Delivering self-service analytics, empowering business users and driving innovative decision-making

State-owned oil and gas company

Delivering self-service analytics, empowering business usersand driving innovative decision-making


Senior executives at a state-owned oil and gas company were struggling to efficiently harvest and analyse data, generated from myriad sources in different formats across various business units. As a result, data often had to be mined using a number of applications and analysed manually. This was time consuming, and also resulted in inconsistencies and inaccuracies in reporting due to human error.


Calibrate’s data architects harmonised and optimised the data from multiple sources across business units, and configured a bespoke Qlik application incorporating standard industry metrics and tailored criteria. Dashboards were created to enable users to visualise results in response to a vast array of key strategic requirements, and drill down for user-specific detail to support data-driven decision-making.


By developing a single, common application, we facilitated the analysis of end-to-end data across the entire business. This provides users with access to reliable, real-time results, and empowers them to make bold and innovative decisions to take the company forward with a competitive edge. We continue to provide ongoing support, maintenance and enhancement expertise, allowing the applications to evolve with the client strategy and business needs.

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