Artificial intelligence will take human—machine collaboration to exciting new levels

Whether we realise it or not, most of us benefit from artificial intelligence (AI) every day. From the facial recognition capabilities in our photos apps to the AI-driven productivity and decision-support tools we use in our businesses, AI makes the way we live, work and play better in so many ways. And excitingly, there’s extensive innovation going on. This brings AI into new areas, to solve age-old problems. 

Human-centric focus

Given that much of the conversation around AI can focus on how the technology works, we wanted to shift the discussion to be more human-centric. How might this technology enable us to enhance, transform or even save lives? How can we use it to make our teams more productive, and thereby address the ever-tricky work-life balance, giving us back time to do things we love and that make us happy? How might we leverage it in the fight against climate change? 

To help inspire you about the possibilities for using AI in your organisation – or better still, to take the next steps on your data transformation journey – this anthology of New York Times AI articles showcases how AI is being used to make a tangible difference across a variety of sectors. In some cases, it’s even enabling things that once seemed impossible. 

Crucially, many of these pieces look at the increasingly important role humans play, even as our lives and work become increasingly AI- and automation-driven. Our ability as people to use our senses and our brains to understand context and adapt our actions in response to events around us, means people will remain central to the success of AI-supported processes. And for us, the exciting thing is the way AI is taking human-machine collaboration to new levels, achieving things that even recently were the realm of sci-fi. 

The magazine also explores some of the important questions around the growing use of AI, such as the ethics of allowing machines to make certain decisions, and of course, cybersecurity. 

The art of the possible

This importance of using our human senses to help machines understand and respond to the world around them really struck a chord with us at Calibrate Consulting. Given each of our customers has unique challenges, what enables them to achieve their goals is an ability to understand different stakeholders’ requirements, harmonise these viewpoints and then create data-driven solutions that create clarity and tackle those business issues that in many cases either require urgent action, or have spent too long on the ‘too difficult’ pile. 

We hope this magazine (re)ignites a fire within you to explore how AI might help you achieve some of those business-transforming or even life-changing goals that perhaps previously felt out of reach. 

Kalpesh Patel, CEO

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